Beta Testing Process

📩 Join Email List

We'll randomly select users to beta test.

📧 Email Notification

Selected users will get next steps.

👥 Invite Roommates

Encourage college roommates to join!

🚀 Beta Launch Access

Receive launch date and free access.

📩 Join Email List

Sign up for our exclusive email list. We don't spam – expect only direct communication from our team. We'll randomly select users from the list for the beta testing program.

📧 Email Notification

If selected, you'll receive an email with all the details and next steps to proceed. This will include instructions on how to prepare for the beta program.

👥 Invite Roommates

You'll be able to invite your roommates (18-25 years old, especially college roommates). The app is designed to be fun and helpful for managing shared expenses together.

🚀 Beta Launch Access

After onboarding, you'll get the beta launch date. Enjoy free access to explore the platform, test features, and provide valuable feedback. Help us build a truly great app for roommates!
